2018 Positive Energy Prize Laureate 简体


Pratham has had a tremendously positive impact through improving the quality of education in India, contributing to literacy attainment on a massive scale. The Foundation acts on three levels, directly helping one million children attain basic literacy and numeracy, collaborating with governments to improve systemic effectiveness by training teachers in evidence-based methods, and impacting national and international policy through a unique annual, citizen-led national education survey report.


Established in 1995, Pratham was founded to meet the overwhelming need to provide basic reading and mathematical skills education to children in the slums of Mumbai. As one of the largest non-governmental organisations in the country, the Pratham focuses on high-quality, low-cost, and replicable interventions to address gaps in the education system. Pratham innovatively created indigenous “learning to read” technique, methodologically known as the practice of “Teaching at the Right Level”, which has undergone rigourous evaluation on a large-scale, and contributed substantially to enhancing the literacy of children.


Pratham is inspirational in intent and achievement. Rooted in evidence-based methods, it continues to innovate and challenge the paradigm of education and learning, instilling hope and confidence and enhancing literacy in India and abroad.